Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Audience theories

Hypodermic needle effect

This theory suggests that the consumer will absorb whatever the media text tells them without questioning it or thinking for themselves, this makes them easy to manipulate. This is passive as they believe everything they are told.

Two step flow
This is when the media text is observed by opinion leaders, condensed and mediated and then passed on to consumers. This is passive as the consumers follow what they are told by the opinion leaders without question.

Uses and gratification

This theory states that the consumer searches for the media text they want to see, whether it is for pleasure or to learn something from it. This is an active theory as the consumer is actively searching for the right media text.

Reception analysis

This theory suggests that the consumer decided what they want to take from a media text, this is dependent on their beliefs and their background. This is another active theory. It suggests that the creators of the media text aim for a certain meaning but it is up to the audience to decode this individually and differently.

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