Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Silent Night Poster and magazine cover

This is the poster that Sameena created for our film. it uses a shot from our trailer which represents our film well. it is a shot looking out of my window and shows that the film is set in an urban area and shows the figure of Santa in a mysterious and scary manner.

This is our front cover for a movie magazine which was also created by Sameena. With this we chose a different image from the trailer as the research we did told us that one of the main characters is shown on the front but not much else.The image was also edited to have a white background to emphasise Christmas and we brightened the red and darkened my face to emphasise horror. in an earlier version of the magazine (below) we used the same picture as the poster. this image did not fit well onto a front cover and we decided against it. there ware also smaller tweaks to the layout and content to the text on the magazine cover to make it more relevant to the latest horror films.


1 comment:

  1. You have worked very hard to ensure your production has continued on course. Well done for your continued determination for the project and extra work you have done. I am please how it has developed from your first cut and you now have a solid production.

    I think you can get a high grade overall in this course, however in order to do this you must maximise your marks from the coursework. You must make sure your blog is more detailed and is fully referenced, preferably with multiple references.

    My tips are that you go over all your posts and ensure you are happy with the level of detail. Use the PEE format to extend your posts. Please look at Jodies (last years student) to look at the level of detail required for a high grade.
