Monday, 12 December 2011

Questionnaire results

For our questionnaires we randomly selected who would answer it, it turned out to be mostly females, this will cause problems with the accuracy of our other results as male and females have varying tastes. there was nothing we could do about this as these were the sample we were given and we didn't want to change it as our results would not have been honest.
The preferred setting was in a forest for a horror film, this is because it is often associated with the dark and fear. this setting is used in a great deal of horror films and is often expected, we will take this into account when location scouting but i do not want this film to be a typical horror film but to subvert the genre.
The lead people preferred was female but the fact that the people were mostly female may have affected the results though some of the males we questioned also wanted female, this may have been because men are almost always the lead in a horror film so they wanted to see something different than usual with our film.

The music was voted as a very important element to a film, this is because without it a film can fall apart as it reinforces all aspect of the film, when choosing the soundtrack to our trailer we will be careful to make sure it fits the tone of the film..

The aspect of the horror genre people prefer is thriller which was going to be our main focus anyway. this is good as it gives us confidence in the decisions that we are making. Suspense and mystery are going to be key in creating the film and trailer.
These  results show that people want to see gore in the film but are not fussed as to how much. With this we must be very careful as we do not have a large budget and gore done badly Will ruin the whole trailer.

Santa was chosen as the most important element of a Christmas movie, this is good as Santa will be a massive focus in our film and we will be twisting what sort of character he is to what people expect.This should interest our audience.

When finding out what Christmas and horror films our audience watch themselves we saw that there wasn't any that stood out in particular. This tells us that audiences can be open minded about what they watch, they just need to be interested after watching the trailer.

 This is a v-log levinia made summarising our results:

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