Now we have decided what genre the film we want to make will be, we looked in more depth at what the story would be. As the film would be set at christmas we wanted our vilain to dress up as santa and we talked about resons why he would.
after much discussion we decided how we would set out the narrative, it would start with an older sibling scaring his little brother with a story about a killer that strikes on christmasand kills children. This story turns out ot be true and our trailer will show the boy getting more scared and seeing strange things as it builds up to christmas day.
We wanted our film to rely on suspense to keep people interested and to remove the focus of gore, we are taking inspiration from Pan's labyrinth to created a dream-like feel for our film. <-- the trailer for pan's labyrinth
Tom, I am pleased with the core idea of your trailer and you should be working hard to subvert the genre. In examining your blog, I am unsure where your trailer analysis is? Also we have spent time looking at the difference between AS and A2 blogs, please make sure this is reflected in your work. It should be backed up with screen shots, examples and a filmography. Also please make sure you embed any youtube links. You should know how to do this by now!